Your workplace
Your workplace is a community
for creation, service, and good work.
SWL helps you create a good workplace by implementing policies, procedures and strategies that provide a clear structure for employee success. Your workplace should reflect your values, and SWL implements your values in every aspect of your workplace law matter.
SWL can help you with:
- Employment contracts
- Independent contractor agreements
- Executive compensation
- Compensation
- Bonus plans
- Commission plans
- Human resources strategy
- Drug and alcohol testing
- Employee handbooks / Policies and procedures
- Health and safety / OHSA compliance
- Workplace violence and harassment assessments and procedures
- Performance reviews
- Performance management
- Accommodation
- Human rights
- Attendance management
- Legislative compliance
- Buying or selling a business
- Employment Standards Act compliance
- Canada Labour Code compliance
- Workplace investigations
Need our help?
We are also uniquely positioned to help you with your workers’ compensation issues.
Samantha has extensive experience representing employers in a wide-range of industries to effectively manage their WSIB claims process and win WSIB and WSIAT appeals.
small business owners - you want defined costs.
Check out our “Start-Up”,
“Refresh”, and
“Reset and Grow”
small business packages.